Returns & Exchange

If you wish to return an item, please contact our friendly Customer Service team on +4915202175555 or email within 14 days of receiving your item.

It is important to us that you are completely satisfied with your purchase, so if for any reason you do not like a product you receive, we will happily issue a refund as long as the item is still in its original packaging, unopened, unused and sent back within 14 days of receiving the item. Damaged returns (including packaging), soiled or altered may not be accepted and may be returned to the customer.

We offer a secure courier collection service for all returns and free returns, so you do not need to worry about shipping costs,

If you paid for your item by credit or debit card, the amount paid for each item will be refunded directly to your card – please note that this can take up to five days to appear in your account.

Can I Exchange My Item(s)?

Unfortunately, we do not offer an exchange service. We will simply refund you if you paid with a credit or debit card, or credit your account with store credit if you paid cash on delivery for your order. You can then reorder another product.

Do you still have some questions?

Feel free to ask for any query. Please fill up the form given below. Our representative will get back you soon.